Canadian politics

Ontario government Left Blowing in the Wind

One small victory at a time, today in a stunning announcement the Ontario government placed a moratorium on any further offshore wind projects citing in part environmental concerns. This is a significant victory for the advocacy groups who have been raising concerns over the adverse effects of wind power as a source of renewable energy.

From Toronto Star
Wind Concerns Ontario President John Laforet said he feels vindicated.

“I don’t think they care about the environment,” he said. “Because if they cared for it they wouldn’t be allowing on land projects either.”

Laforet said he’s watched projects go up after forests have been blasted down.

“I think what they have realized is they have unleashed hell on themselves before an election and we aren’t going away,” he said. “One side of me feels vindicated in being a volunteer in this role … but at the same time I don’t believe for a second these guys care for the environment.”

I’d like to think this is a achievement for ordinary Ontarians who brought some common sense to Queens Park.

About Jon Siemko

Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
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