Canadian politics

Tim Hudak’s Open letter to Premier Dalton McGuinty

Tim Hudak

Earlier this week Tim Hudak leader of the Ontario PC party penned an open letter to outgoing Premier Dalton McGuinty . He detailed many of his grievances against the prorogation and urges McGuinty to recall the legislature.

Some of the letter is below

The consequence of your decision to prorogue means that we are unable to take the meaningful action required to rein in government spending and enact policies to kick-start private sector job creation. Before you prorogued, the Ontario PC Caucus had put forward a number of bold ideas designed to undo many of the harmful decisions your government has made to restrain economic growth. Our proposals to rebuild Ontario’s economy included legislation to help small business owners cut through red tape, strengthen transparency in government, and reform the broken arbitration system – with our Ability to Pay Act. In effect, proroguing means you have put the government on autopilot, leaving your reckless spending to continue, unchecked, and the debt to…

….Failure to order the Legislature back now means you are making the job we will need to do when it returns even more difficult and perhaps insurmountable. Your plan to wait until the weekend of January 25-27 of next year for a new Liberal leader to hand off these important decisions to means any practical action will be delayed until at least well into 2013.

Premier, when we are confronted with tough times, leaders are required to rise to the challenge, not turn out the lights and go home.

I stand ready to do my part. Ontarians are counting on you to do yours.

Yours truly,

Tim Hudak, MPP
Leader of the Official Opposition and of the
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario


About Jon Siemko

Welcome to my online home for all my political writings and musings, I currently live in a suburb west of Toronto. Please take a look around and stay awhile!
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