Canadian politics

Next stop on The Debt Train

From  Christina Blizzard The S&P warning and Moody’s credit downgrade are searing indictments of the McGuinty government’s nine years of reckless overspending. If there were a Ministry of Debt, it would be the third largest ministry – with a budget of $10.6 billion we’re paying in interest. I enjoy Christina…

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Canadian politics

The World is Watching Ontario

Yesterday from FP “We believe the province’s main credit challenges include its continuing weak budgetary and debt metrics and its challenging cost-containment plan required to achieve budgetary balance by fiscal 2018,” Today from Reuters “The downgrade of Ontario’s rating reflects the growing debt burden and the risks surrounding the province…

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Canadian politics

Alberta’s Choice

By any  standard tomorrow’s Alberta provincial election has  the potential to be historic. In one of the final polls of the campaign Angus Reid shows the Wildrose  winning a momentous mandate. From  Prince Arthur Herald The rise of the Wildrose was made possible by the Tory drift. Formed by disenchanted…

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